Barbara Saint John
Through Life Phases International
Your Doorway to
Success, Wealth, Health, Joy and Love
ESPAVE: “Thank you for taking your power.”
Barbara Saint John is a nationally acclaimed Lecturer, Author and Grief Recovery Specialist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Relationship Consultant, Transformational Therapist and Businesswomen. A Leader in her field for over 35 years, Saint John as had consistent success in applying specialized tools and techniques to help clients from all walks of life to deal with stress, anxiety, abuse and grief.
Thanks to her success as an entrepreneur, Barbara Saint John has been called upon to present seminars on loss and grief, communication, leadership, managing stress in the workplace and personal skill development. While serious about her subjects Barbara Saint John has a special way of presenting her material in an entertaining, humorous and effective informative manner. Her outstanding speaking skills, along with her ability to communicate complex material has made her a go-to resource for business leaders in her community.
Barbara Saint John has had the privilege of working with a long list of leading medical and alternative physician’s through her career. One practitioner who has served as a major influence on her work is Dr Burton Goldberg ( an expert on alternative and complementary medicine who has authored 19 books and whose research is frequently cited in the popular works of Suzanne Somers. Barbara Saint John has worked, studied and traveled extensively with Dr. Robert Anthony ( author of 21 books which has been published in 22 countries. She has also had a successful working relationship with Dr. Gary Stollman ( with whom she co-authored the book “Beyond Relationship Stalemate from Roommate to Soulmate”
An accomplished author in her own right. Barbara Saint John has also co-authored a book with one of her clients Dan Marco. The book “Everywhere Nowhere” ( was written as part of Saint John’s exercises over the course of three years. Helping Marco find his way to that place in his journey of grief, together they wrote this book to share their perspectives in this compelling, comforting, hopeful tale of survival and moving from tragedy to a new normal.
Barbara has partnered with Christine Arians, wife of Bruce Arians, coach of the Arizona Cardinals in introducing “The Zone” ( to Scottsdale. The Zone pod environment provides mental and emotional alignment through relaxation, focus and concentration. The pod is a state-of-the-art sensory stimulation chamber, supports visitors by removing outside distractions and engulfing their bodies with positive energy and stimuli. Allowing visitors to take a proactive approach to dealing with stress, Greif and performance anxiety via guided light, sound, vibration and guided image written and recorded by Barbara Saint John.
Over her impressive three decades career Barbara Saint John has…
… been a “therapist to the stars” with offices based in Beverly Hills, CA and Scottsdale, AZ.
… experience helping famous actors and actresses, daytime soap stars, and TV and film writers, producers and directors with techniques in stress management on and off the set.
…been featured on major TV stations including ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as countless radio stations across the United States.
…studied in Germany, where she developed the “Dasein Method” to assist with the trauma of loss, anxiety, fears and Greif recovery.
…written, produced and recorded educational and motivational programs and scripts designed to assist clients in reducing stress, releasing Greif and anxiety, increasing relaxation and achieving a harmonious relationship between the mind and body and self-protection. With titles such as Zero Residence Weight Release, Harmonic Journey, Hands Off and many many more.
… also found success as a Private Investigator and Security Consultant. These experiences led her to developing multiple self-defense programs for women experiencing domestic abuse in their relationships. Barbara Saint John has also develop self-defense courses like “Impact and Hands Off Program”, which are designed to help the entire family.
Barbara Saint John has a natural gift for helping clients discover the roots of their most problematic interactions and behaviors. This awareness, combined with three decades worth of experience and expertise with fast-acting forms of healing provides clients an opportunity to turn stressors and setbacks into fulfilling, positive experience as quickly s possible. Her gift is her ability to use and share awareness techniques along with her profound insights as a “Comprehensive Reiterater”.
This gives her the ability to understand why you may do, think, feel or behave as you do and how to make your interactions and behaviors more successful and fulfilling in all aspects of your life. She uses many fast acting forms of healing which give you opportunities to create the positive experiences you desire in your life in the shortest amount of time. Her goal is to assist you in creating harmony between your physical, emotional, intellectual and intuitive quatrains. Clients ask Barbara what do you do she says “I get you what you want”.
It’s simple. You speak and Barbara listens.
She has had incredible success in applying various tools and techniques to help individuals, couples, families and businesses with the stresses, anxieties and losses that we all encounter in life. Has She says “We are a country of Grievers. I help those who grieve the loss of a pet to those who grieve the loss of a jet”.
…Barbara Saint John can be reached by phone at 602.570.5381
A little more about Barbara Saint John…
Barbara Saint John prioritizes making herself available to those in need of grief recovery, anxiety and stress management, insomnia and personal development. Personal private sessions are conducted in person or over the phone. Couples consulting sessions are available as well.
Clients can also request the use of Light and Sound Technology to enhance their sessions. Which combines gentle pulses of light along with guided visualization creating balance of brain wave activity reversing stress, reducing fear and worry as well as assisting with insomnia. You will receive your very own Personalized CD’s so that Barbara Saint John assistance is always accessible.
Barbara Saint John
Business Phone – 602-570-5381