
Insomnia is commonly associated with tossing and turning from sunset to sunrise. Despite how often these symptoms are portrayed in the media, real life sufferers of insomnia experience the condition in all sorts of ways. Some are unable to fall asleep for several hours. Others habitually wake up early and find it impossible to go back to sleep.

There are also those who sleep throughout the night but feel more tired when they wake up than they did before going to bed. Even more continue to feel tired throughout the day, which can also lead to irritation and reduced concentration.

If any of these experiences mirror your own sleeping patterns, then you may be afflicted with insomnia or sleep deprivation.

The long term impacts of insomnia could have several negative effects on your quality of life. After all, the restorative and healing power of restful sleep is essential to your well-being. Impaired functioning on the job, poor concentration during class or at the office and severe mood disturbances are just a few of the ways that sleep deprivation and insomnia can hinder your health. Even your memory and perception can begin to deteriorate without six to eight hours of sleep on a nightly basis. That’s why it makes sense to address your insomnia symptoms as soon as possible.

Unrelenting racing thoughts, stress, anxiety, grief, chemical imbalances, family and work concerns and sleep apnea are just a few of the numerous causes of sleep deprivation.

Barbara Saint John, a behavior modification specialist with over 35 years of experience in her field, is an expert at helping clients to identify the particular emotional and psychological roots of their insomnia. Through private sessions, Therapeutic Light and Sound Technology and personalized guided imagery written and recorded by Barbara Saint John, she can help you find the solution for a good night’s sleep!

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