Private Sessions
In addition to being an outstanding personal coach, Hypnotist, Grief Recovery Specialist, and Relationship Expert, Barbara Saint John’s seminars and workshops are an amazing experience. She is imaginative, humorous and entertaining, and most of all, informative. Barbara takes the mundane and often painful causative events in your life and creates a color pallet for understanding that will assist you in moving from where you are to where you want to be. She will give you powerful tips, tools, and techniques that will ultimately change the results you are getting in life, so that you can achieve the confidence to reach your highest goals. In addition, Barbara always provides an extra boost of insight to bring back hope, peace and most of all joy. If you have a chance to attend one of her programs – don’t miss the opportunity! It will change your life forever!
Dr. Robert Anthony
author of the million best-seller “Beyond Positive Thinking”
“Prior to entering therapy with Barbara Saint John, I thought of hypnotic regression as nothing more than an intriguing party game. I was wrong. Through Barbara’s hypnosis, I have been able to recall childhood memories of events long forgotten, events that were the embryonic seeds of my adult emotions. This introspective adventure into my past has proven to be one of the most thought provoking and revealing experiences of my life.
Donald P. Bellisario
Producer, Creator and Director, Hollywood Calif.
“With Barbara’s techniques, you will be able to release the internal anxieties, fears, doubts, and grief which cause you to struggle in this chaotic, stressful world. She will teach you to walk with internal peace and complete calm so that you can support yourself through further “lessons” which may come your way. Due to the strength and validity of her intuitive abilities, the work she does is as effective and powerful by phone as in person. Spending even an hour with Barbara is a gift to yourself, and her messages will open your doors to understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and peace.”
Dawn Bhasin, M.D.
Ophthalmologist & Oculoplastic Surgeon
Tampa, Florida
“Barbara your message really made a beautiful impact in my life. I am still absorbing all the gifts you gave me. I am so glad you came into my life when you did”
Aleana, FL
“Barbara you’re a bright shinning light in this world. Thanks for sharing with us. Much, much love to you”
Christine, FL
“You are so wonderful and full of Love!
Jenny, FL
“Start to share you and your gift with the world-isn’t it amazing how every one Loves and thanks you for sharing it with them. You are FABILLOUS!
Clinit from ARE
“Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and love on that wondrous spiritfull day in Tampa! Blessings to you Barbara, with much Love.”
Cindy and Patty, FL
“Barbara your CD’s are continually uplifting and I find myself each morning waking up with a positive and calm demeanor. My wife, oldest child and even my friends have seen a dramatic difference in me, and focusing on my breathing each day has become almost natural for my “unconscious”.
Terry, CA
“Barbara, I know I have said it before but I can’t stop telling you. that day I met you has changed by life and everyday my life has changed for the better. And I know you came into my life for a reason. My life has not bee the same. Everyday is anew experience and I continue to look for new things to learn-new ways to improve on my outlook on life and ways to improve on how to make life better for me and my girls. And this was all possible because you open the door for me. I cannot imagine what today would be like if I would have not meet you.
I miss you a lot and hope you are practicing your gift of “Shinning Glass (people) and turning them into precious gems!”
Arleen, Mesa, AZ
”Are you looking for answers to questions that you possibly didn’t even know you had? Spending even the shortest amount of time with Barbara Saint John will help you look at yourself, and your world in an entirely new, brilliant light.
I spent a little over a half hour with Barbara and she not only shared specific information about my childhood (some of which very few people know), but was also able to give me the guidance that I didn’t even know I needed. In only one example; I had been holding off on writing a book until I found the missing piece (which I didn’t share with anyone) and she very quickly and very pointedly filled in that missing piece of the puzzle without me ever even asking. Barbara also gave me guidance and direction in specific areas of my life, providing the type of direction and confidence that we all need from time to time.
Barbara shares her gifts in a very loving and supportive way, asking for your permission if she starts tapping into deeper, more personal issues. The information she shares will have you reflecting for days and give you tools that if used, will propel your life forward on your chosen path. But be warned, you just may want to bring an extra pair of shoes with you when you meet Barbara because she’ll knock your socks off! ”
Kathie, Scottsdale, AZ
“Barbra’s kind and gentle nature put me at ease immediately. And I knew when she said my mother was present, surrounded by flowers, that this was something real – nothing defined my mother more than her love of her flower garden. Some of the information that came to me from the “other side” was interesting, some was healing, all of it was valuable. I highly recommend Barbra St. John – she definitely has a gift.”
Jaye Andres – Consciousness Coach & Trainer – Phoenix, AZ
Big thanks!!!! After a crazy week, I finally got to listen to the CD last night before bed. Wow! I slept so well and feel so much better emotionally and mentally this morning. I’m definitely going to be listening to it every night for a while.
Derek, Phoenix, AZ
Just want to thank you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for your time and gifts you shared with me on Friday! I’m still absorbing, digesting….the info.
Dee, Phoenix, AZ
“Highest rated program we have ever sponsored!”
M. Tidwell-Director of Education
St. Josephs Hospital
“Nothing but praise from our employees. We highly recommend this program!”
L. Clifford-Asst. to vice President
Knoell Homes
“Best program of its type available. Fast moving, informative, entertaining!”
Console-Director of Security
CPS Direct Marketing Corp.
“Invaluable information. We are having Ms. Saint John back again for another program,”
McKaine-Re-Entry Services
Phoenix College